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Takab silver travertine processing methods

Takab silver travertine processing methods

calenderAugust 17, 2024
authorOxygen Content

Takab Silver Travertine is renowned as one of the top-quality and widely recognized travertines in the nation, ranking among the top-selling export stones in the market. The processing of Takab Silver Travertine stone primarily involves cutting it into slabs and tiles in most stone factories. Processing building stones involves a sequence of treatments applied to the stone surface to ready it for installation, enhancing its visual appeal and longevity. Moreover, to utilize stones in various building environments, tailored treatments must be administered to their surfaces according to the specific space they will occupy. Different techniques are used to process and treat stone, resulting in distinct physical and visual attributes for each method. For instance, in certain processing methods, the porous surface of travertine stone is filled with resin and other substances to create a sleek and glossy finish, whereas in alternative methods, its voids and crevices are retained to preserve a more natural appearance. Broadly speaking, these methods can be categorized as polished, matte, leathered, sandblasted, cut broken, and chiseled (bush hammer).

Pre-processing Stage of Takab Silver Travertine

Prior to commencing the processing procedures, a set of operations known as pre-processing must be conducted on the raw block to ready it for cutting and subsequent processing phases. During the pre-processing phase, the initial machine in the production line is utilized to shape blocks from stones that lack a defined block shape. Typically, a single blade machine (equipped with steel blades containing around 35 to 37 diamond teeth) or alternative cutting equipment like diamond wire and steel machines are employed in this stage. These machines are used to cut the blockless stone into blocks, facilitating the use of saws on them.

Takab Silver Travertine Processing Methods

Similar to other types of stone, travertine stone has distinct processing techniques. Takab Silver Travertine stone is primarily processed in polished and leathered finishes, and is shaped into vein-cut and cross-cut forms. As this stone is commonly used in contemporary and composite facades, it is frequently processed in vein-cut and cross-cut styles. The upcoming discussion will delve into the processing techniques and variations of cuts outlined above.

Polished method

In the most commonly used processing method for travertine, known as "polished," the stone is given a beautiful appearance and a smooth surface. This method results in a completely smooth and uniform surface for the stones, and by utilizing resin or epoxy materials, the surface is made shiny and glossy. Any holes or imperfections on the surface of Takab Silver Travertine stone are filled with materials such as resin, epoxy, polyester, special sealers, etc., which significantly enhance its quality.

Leathering method

In the "leathering" technique, specialized leathering bits are utilized instead of conventional abrasive bits to polish the surface in sub machines. These leathering bits target the weaker areas of the stone more effectively. As a result, the weaker points of the stone in the sub are worn down further, leading to the creation of high and low points on the stone surface. Another method of leathering processing involves placing the stone in a compartment with metal studs that rotate around its axis based on the stone type and the required level of leathering. The processing is carried out by rubbing the studs against the stone.

Vein-cut and Cross-cut techniques

The discussion surrounding Takab Silver Travertine stones often revolves around the type of stone cutting, as whether the stone is cut with wavy (vein-cut) or straight (cross-cut) patterns significantly impacts its overall appearance and arrangement. Stones featuring consistent waves running from top to bottom are referred to as wavy stones, while those lacking distinct patterns are known as straight stones. The choice of cutting style for a stone is entirely based on personal preference. Natural stones inherently possess a background pattern resulting from their formation process, with travertine stones typically showcasing elegant and regular wave patterns. The important point is the difference between vein-cut and cross-cut stones, where various parameters such as the amount of sub-stone and the type of stone cut affect it. Cross-cut stones have a very good sub and act like a transparent and polished mirror. On the contrary, stones with waves have less sub and lack proper coherence. This difference, especially in travertine stones, leads to the use of more waveless (cross-cut) types of these stones for building facades. This is because their high sub makes the facade more beautiful. Waveless travertine stones are very attractive and shiny, with a higher price compared to its wavy type. Another difference between vein-cut and cross-cut stones is the type of stone cut. One of the known cuts, called a diamond wire saw cut, is the factor that creates the difference between vein-cut and cross-cut stones. This type of cut has caused stones like travertine to have regular and symmetrical waves with twists. This cut is used to create special and regular waves, enhancing the attractiveness of the stone. One of the differences between vein-cut and cross-cut stones is that the diamond wire saw cut is not used for waveless stones.

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